
Red Cardinal has extensive experience in the UK property sector, expanded over several decades. Red Cardinal provides clients with exciting UK property investment opportunities designed to maximise a return on investment and deliver clients valuable properties in prime locations.

Our Story

With decades of combined experience in the UK property market, Red Cardinal uses its knowledge and expertise to present clients with the best investment opportunities across the country, to maximise returns.

By assessing and considering each individual client’s specific needs and goals, we determine the best location and type of investment, all presented in a precise but easy to understand manner.

Red Cardinal sources many properties throughout the UK, including key cities such as London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Leeds, we have personally invested in these cities ourselves. Our extensive experience in the investment process enables us to identify potential risks that may go unnoticed by others and filter out any misinformation prevalent in the property sector.

Meet the Founders

Red Cardinal is a dynamic and forward-thinking Property Investment Consultancy. The Founders – Lewis and Kazuki – are united by a common goal: to provide the highest quality advice to their clients and help them achieve their financial goals as efficiently as possible.

Under their leadership, Red Cardinal is not just about transactions; it’s about forging partnerships that last whilst tailoring strategies and sourcing investments that redefine industry standards. With their unique blend of expertise, passion, and insight, Lewis and Kazuki are set to make Red Cardinal a name synonymous with trust, excellence, and a new era of property investment.

Property Sourcing

Red Cardinal has a key focus on property sourcing in the UK. Our commitment is to provide our clients with exceptional investment opportunities in the UK. With a deep understanding of the UK property market, Red Cardinal sources high-yield investment properties for investors looking to generate consistent rental income and build long-term capital appreciation.

Our team of experienced professionals leverages its extensive network of contacts to identify and secure the best investment opportunities nationwide, with a particular focus on up-and-coming areas that offer significant growth potential. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, Red Cardinal can guide you through the entire property sourcing process, from finding the right property to building an extensive portfolio.


Red Cardinal possesses a wealth of expertise and knowledge in the UK property market, developed over several decades of experience. Our team of professionals understand the property market, including emerging trends and potential risks, enabling us to provide our clients with accurate and informed guidance.

Red Cardinal prioritises a personalised service, tailoring our recommendations to the unique needs and objectives of each client. By doing so, we are able to provide a customised investment strategy that aligns with their goals and preferences.

Buy a Property for the first time

Buy-to-Let Property Sourcing

We offer a range of exceptional buy-to-let opportunities, leveraging our extensive experience and network to identify high-value investments with strong potential for return on investment

Buying a property strategy

Off Plan

Red Cardinal is renowned for its off-plan opportunities in the UK property market. Leveraging our in-depth knowledge and experience, we identify promising off-plan developments with strong potential for capital appreciation and attractive returns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Property investment refers to the purchase of real estate with the intention of generating income and/or capital appreciation. Property investors can buy different types of properties, such as residential, commercial, industrial, or land, and can generate income through renting, leasing, or selling the property. Property investment is a long-term investment strategy that requires careful analysis of the property market, financial planning, and risk management. It can be a profitable investment if done correctly, but it also involves risks such as market fluctuations, tenant issues, and maintenance costs.

Investing in property can be a wise decision for several reasons. Firstly, property investment offers the potential for long-term capital appreciation, meaning the value of the property may increase over time. Secondly, property investment can generate income through rent or lease payments, providing a steady stream of cash flow. Additionally, property can provide a tangible asset that can be leveraged to secure loans or other forms of financing. Property investment is also considered a hedge against inflation, as rental income tends to increase with inflation. Finally, investing in property can provide diversification to an investment portfolio, spreading risk across multiple assets.

Getting started with property investment in the UK requires research, planning, and a solid financial foundation. The first step is to set investment goals and determine the type of property and location that align with those goals. Next, it’s essential to assess personal finances and obtain financing, whether through savings, mortgages, or loans. It’s important to conduct thorough research on the local property market and to seek professional advice, such as from real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and financial advisors. Once a suitable property is identified, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough inspection, including legal and structural assessments. Finally, it’s important to develop a plan for property management, including tenant selection, rent collection, and maintenance.

There are several types of property investments available in the UK. These include:

Residential properties – such as houses, flats, apartments, and HMOs (houses in multiple occupation).

Commercial properties – such as offices, retail spaces, industrial units, and warehouses.

Buy-to-let properties – which are residential properties purchased with the intention of renting them out to tenants.

Buy-to-sell properties – which are properties purchased with the intention of renovating and selling them for a profit.

Property funds – which are managed funds that invest in a portfolio of properties, providing diversification for investors.

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) – which are listed companies that invest in property and provide investors with regular income and potential capital gains.

Property development – which involves purchasing land or property and developing it to create new residential or commercial properties.

Each type of property investment carries its own risks and potential rewards, and it’s important to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before investing.

Yes, it is possible to obtain a mortgage to invest in property in the UK. However, lenders may require a higher deposit and may charge higher interest rates than for a residential mortgage. Lenders will assess the potential rental income of the property and the borrower’s financial situation, including credit history and income, before approving a mortgage. It’s important to shop around and compare mortgage products from different lenders to find the most suitable option for the investment property. Additionally, seeking advice from a mortgage broker or financial advisor can help in navigating the mortgage application process and identifying the best options available.

Property investment carries several risks that investors should be aware of. Firstly, there is the risk of market fluctuations, where property values can decline due to factors such as changes in the economy, government policies, or interest rates. Secondly, property investors may experience periods of vacancy or non-payment of rent, which can impact their income and cash flow. Additionally, there are risks associated with property management, such as maintenance and repair costs, and dealing with tenant issues. There may also be legal and regulatory risks, such as changes to tax laws or zoning regulations, which can impact the profitability of the investment. Finally, there is the risk of overleveraging, where investors may take on too much debt to finance their investments, leading to financial difficulties and potential default. It’s essential to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice to manage these risks and make informed investment decisions.

There are several ways to minimise the risks of property investment:

Conduct thorough research: Before investing, it’s essential to research the local property market, the property itself, and the potential risks and rewards of the investment.

Seek professional advice: It’s important to seek advice from real estate agents, financial advisors, and legal professionals to make informed investment decisions and manage risks.

Diversify investments: Spreading investments across multiple properties or asset classes can reduce risk by minimising exposure to any one investment.

Manage cash flow: Proper management of cash flow can reduce the risk of default or financial difficulties, ensuring that there is enough money to cover mortgage payments, maintenance costs, and other expenses.

Invest for the long-term: Property investment is a long-term strategy that can minimise the impact of short-term market fluctuations and provide steady income and capital appreciation over time.

Plan for contingencies: It’s important to have a contingency plan in place to manage unexpected events such as tenant issues, maintenance costs, or market fluctuations.

Regularly review and adjust investment strategy: Regularly reviewing and adjusting investment strategies can help minimise risks by ensuring that investments align with changing market conditions and personal financial goals.

Finding the right property to invest in involves careful research and analysis. Here are some steps to consider:

Determine investment goals: Before looking for a property, it’s important to define investment goals, such as the desired return on investment, location, property type, and investment timeframe.

Research the local property market: Conduct research on the local property market to identify areas with high demand, growth potential, and attractive rental yields.

Analyse property data: Analyse property data such as property prices, rental yields, and market trends to determine the potential return on investment.

Seek professional advice: Seek advice from real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and financial advisors to obtain expert insights and guidance on investment opportunities.

Inspect the property: Conduct a thorough inspection of the property, including legal, structural, and environmental assessments, to identify potential issues and risks.

Consider rental demand and potential: Evaluate the potential rental income of the property by considering factors such as location, size, and condition.

Calculate investment costs: Calculate the total investment costs, including the purchase price, financing costs, maintenance and repair costs, and taxes, to ensure that the investment aligns with investment goals.

Develop a management plan: Develop a management plan for the property, including tenant selection, rent collection, and maintenance, to ensure that the investment is managed effectively.

Managing a property investment portfolio involves several tasks, including property selection, acquisition, financing, maintenance, tenant management, and sale. Here are some steps to consider:

Develop an investment strategy: Define investment goals, risk tolerance, and target returns to guide portfolio management decisions.

Regularly review portfolio performance: Regularly review portfolio performance to ensure that investments align with investment strategy and market conditions.

Conduct due diligence: Conduct thorough research on potential investments to identify risks and opportunities.

Diversify investments: Spreading investments across different properties and asset classes can reduce risk and increase returns.

Manage cash flow: Manage cash flow effectively to ensure that there is enough money to cover mortgage payments, maintenance costs, and other expenses.

Develop a property management plan: Develop a property management plan to ensure that the properties are well-maintained, tenant issues are addressed promptly, and rent is collected on time.

Plan for contingencies: Develop a contingency plan to manage unexpected events such as tenant issues, maintenance costs, or market fluctuations.

Regularly review and adjust investment strategy: Regularly review and adjust investment strategies to ensure that investments align with changing market conditions and personal financial goals.

Consider tax implications: Consider tax implications of property investments and seek advice from tax professionals to minimise tax liabilities.

Property investment in the UK can have several tax implications that investors should be aware of. The main taxes that apply to property investments are:

  1. Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT): A tax on property purchases, which varies depending on the purchase price and whether the property is a second home or an investment property.
  2. Income Tax: Rental income is subject to income tax, and landlords must declare this income on their tax returns.
  3. Capital Gains Tax (CGT): A tax on the profits made from selling a property, which applies to the difference between the purchase price and the sale price, less any allowable expenses.
  4. Inheritance Tax (IHT): Property investments may be subject to IHT if the investor’s estate exceeds the IHT threshold.
  5. Value Added Tax (VAT): Commercial properties are subject to VAT, which can be reclaimed if the investor is VAT-registered.

It’s important to seek professional advice from tax professionals to understand the tax implications of property investments and to plan accordingly. Additionally, there are several tax planning strategies that investors can use to minimise tax liabilities, such as incorporating a property business or using tax-efficient investment structures.

There are several legal requirements that investors must comply with when investing in property in the UK. These include:

Compliance with planning and zoning regulations: Investors must ensure that the property complies with planning and zoning regulations, including obtaining any necessary planning permission and complying with building regulations.

Compliance with health and safety regulations: Property investments must comply with health and safety regulations, including providing adequate fire safety measures and complying with electrical and gas safety standards.

Compliance with landlord and tenant regulations: Investors must comply with landlord and tenant regulations, including providing tenancy agreements and protecting tenants’ deposits in a government-approved scheme.

Compliance with tax regulations: Property investors must comply with tax regulations, including paying the correct amount of Stamp Duty Land Tax, declaring rental income on tax returns, and paying Capital Gains Tax on any profits from property sales.

Compliance with anti-money laundering regulations: Investors must comply with anti-money laundering regulations, including conducting due diligence on buyers and sellers and reporting suspicious activity to authorities.

Failure to comply with legal requirements can result in fines, legal action, and damage to the investor’s reputation. It’s important to seek professional advice and ensure that all legal requirements are met before investing in property.